Reflections & Revelations

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The Most Counterintuitive Growth Skill

Here’s a new video for you to enjoy about an important self-development skill that people often overlook. It’s only 6 minutes and fast-paced throughout. I edited it with a very different style than I’ve ever done before, so you’re surely going to be surprised. Just watch the first 15 seconds to see if it resonates…

Beyond Bravery: The Trust Bridge to Genuine Courage

Here’s a new 8-minute video I created to share a harmonious way to build and exercise your courage – one that doesn’t require pushing through fear and resistance. If you watch the video, I invite you to post a comment on YouTube to let me know your thoughts about the relationship between trust and courage…

CGC Events

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Money Is a Psychedelic Too

Money is actually psychedelic. Let me ‘splain… Money isn’t as intense as the psychedelics you put directly into your body – physical consumption changes the intentionality – but money still behaves very much as a psychedelic substance. Money responds powerfully to set and setting, the set being your mindset and the setting behind the environment…

The Spirit of Money Live Call

This Saturday September 9, 2023, at 10:00 AM Pacific Time, I’m hosting a very different kind of Zoom call to help you and many others delve into and better understand the spiritual role of money in your life. It’s called The Spirit of Money, and I invite you to attend. This post has all the…

Exploring Psychedelic Microdosing

Recently I’ve taken an interest in microdosing, specifically with magic mushrooms. I began learning about it a few months ago and then learned even more at the Psychedelic Science conference in June. I’ve also had some recent conversations with people I know who’ve been microdosing, all of them reporting positive long-term effects. Most use mushrooms…