Subjective Reality vs. Solipsism

I want to make a distinction between subjective reality and solipsism, since many readers still confuse the two. I think the best way to explain the difference is by way of a simple analogy: lucid dreaming. Imagine you’re having a lucid dream. This means you’re lying in bed having a dream, and while still within…

Subjective Reality and Nonviolence

The perspective of subjective reality says the entire world — i.e. your seemingly objective physical reality — is a projection of your own consciousness. This perspective suggests the only thing you can really change is yourself. If you want to address the issue of violence in the world, you can only do so by turning…

Subjective Reality Analogies

People often ask me to prove to them subjective reality is real. These requests stem from the desire to shoehorn subjective reality into a pre-existing objective framework, while within the framework of subjective reality itself, they make little sense because the proof only manifests as a result of the belief. Let me offer some analogies…

People and Subjective Reality

In a subjective reality belief system, what’s the role of other human beings? Are they just projections? Do they even matter? Won’t you end up feeling all alone, believing you’re the only one who’s conscious and everyone else is fake? Lately I’ve been getting a flood of similar questions via email, so I figured I’ll…

Personal Development and Subjective Reality

What does the mindset of Subjective Reality have to do with personal development? Your own path of personal development will proceed in accordance with your thoughts and beliefs. It can proceed no other way. Hence, you will enjoy and experience the most growth if you choose to hold the most empowering beliefs you can in…

Subjective Reality Q&A 3

Here are a few more answers to questions I’ve received about Subjective Reality. Aside from the first answer, these will focus on your personal egoic perspective instead of my perspective or the perspective of God-consciousness, so it may be a little more understandable this way, since this is the default perspective you’re already used to.…

More Subjective Reality Q&A

The questions on Subjective Reality keep rolling in, so here’s a bit more Q&A on this topic. These questions will cover my personal experience with this belief system. What is your personal experience with the subjective reality belief system? I started learning about it in early 2005 while I was reading about consciousness. One day…

Subjective Reality Q&A

I’ve received abundant questions about the notion of subjective reality since the last blog post, so I’ll cover some of the basics in Q&A form. Most people asked questions from a perspective that tries to shoehorn subjective reality into an objective framework… hence confusion is the usual result. Subjective reality requires a very different framework.…

Is Reality Objective or Subjective?

The benefit of asking the big questions is that sometimes you can use reasoned logic to answer them. There are a few big questions that I’ve successfully answered to my satisfaction, and I don’t expect my answers to change with the passage of time. Is Reality Objective or Subjective? One of those big questions is…

Hacking Reality: Subjective Objectivity

As my 30-day subjective reality experiment concluded last month, I shifted to a different mode of living. I finally got used to seeing the world through a dream lens. It was seriously challenging to hold that perspective at first, but after a few weeks, my subconscious took over, and I no longer had to consciously…