Trust in Human Relationships

Imagine being in a relationship with a partner you don’t trust. Would you be able to have good clarity in such a relationship? If you don’t trust your partner, you won’t be able to trust that they’ll do what’s mutually beneficial for your relationship. This will make it harder to invest in your relationship. You’ll…


I remember years ago when interest in lifestyle design was surging. Many people were escaping their 9-5 jobs, becoming digital nomads, traveling extensively, exploring open relationships, embracing wild adventures, and stretching the limits of what they could do with their lifestyles. Some people thrived in those explorations while others quickly burned out. Many who went…

Creating Abundance – Video

Yesterday morning I woke up with the idea of recording a video blog on the topic of creating abundance. A little later I checked our forums and saw a request for me to post something more comprehensive on the topic of abundance. Well, I thought… that’s a pretty blatant synchronicity! 🙂 Is it possible to…