Join Us for Conscious Growth Club Year 8: Fire Infusion

Alrighty... it's time to share this very unique invitation for CGC Year 8 – our new CGC year that begins on May 1st! Our only opening for new members to join in 2024 is happening April 26 - May 1 now through May 9 at 11 AM Pacific Time. If you miss it this year, you’ll have to wait till April 2025 for another chance, but each year in CGC is a unique and different experience.

I'm going to share tons of detail about CGC because we're going well beyond what we included in Year 7. We've made some major upgrades for Year 8.

First let’s find out if you’re a match for CGC…

Is CGC for You?

Conscious Growth Club is for people who are:

  • Growth-oriented - You have a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset. You know you’re capable of more.
  • Open to new experiences – You love new experiences, especially when there's strong potential for learning, growth, and self-discovery. When people ask you, Why are you doing that? a good enough answer is, Because I’ve never done it before, so I'm going to learn something new.
  • Curious – You have a strong desire to learn and understand. You want to know how the many pieces of life connect. You're constantly seeking better answers.
  • Self-Reflective – You're willing to engage with inner work, such as by reflecting upon the connection between your intentions and results. You wonder about who you've become and who you could become next.
  • Open to change – You're willing and able to invite some positive disruption into your life. You're open to new information, ideas, and experiences that could impact you significantly.
  • Open to connection – You can appreciate the opportunity to be a part of a supportive, growth-oriented community. You're open to exploring self-development as a team game at this time in your life.
  • Experimental - When you sense a promising new direction, you're willing to lean in, test it with some action, and learn through direct, hands-on experience.


  • You want to live a purposeful, intentional, meaningful life.
  • You've been learning to trust your own intuition more and more, even when everyone else seems to disagree with you.
  • You care about service and contribution – but differently than other service-oriented people seem to.
  • You're open to receiving help, guidance, support, and encouragement, but you need to be able to trust it.
  • You're sensitive to alignment and intentionality.
  • You don't feel particularly motivated or inspired by the intention to make more money or to achieve traditional career success as your primary outcome.
  • You find that life supports you better when you seek to live with greater heart and spirit alignment.
  • You'd rather actually care than pretend to care.
  • You feel that you have extra capacity to work on yourself, but it can't be done in ways that drain you.
  • You have the time and energy to participate in a vibrant self-development community.
  • You're willing to invest some money in your self-development, knowing that money is simply an expression of energy flow.
  • You can appreciate good-natured fun and playfulness, even as you do some deep inner work.
  • You want to further develop, deepen, and amplify your intuition.
  • You're interested in the spirit-level (nonphysical) aspects of reality, and you'd like to explore this more deeply.
  • You're willing to leave your old comfort zone behind, so you can keep growing.
  • You're open to expanding your range of experiences, doing what you've never done before.
  • You'd like to become bolder and more courageous.
  • You want to squeeze more juice out of life.
  • You'd like to become even more motivated and have more emotional energy.
  • You recognize the value of emotional alignment, especially for staying motivated and fully engaged with life.
  • You want to live an even more engaging life than you do now – in a balanced way, not a stressful way.
  • You don't want to be someone who sits on the sidelines and lets life pass you by, wondering where all the time went.
  • You want to explore, experience, and learn to consistently tap even more of your potential.
  • You'd rather be a high-energy person than a low-energy person.
  • You have a deep inner sense that you're here to do something important and meaningful with your life.
  • You see the value of full immersion when pursuing your goals, but you also place a high value on balance.
  • You're open to delving into the fascinating mysteries of this perplexing existence we're flowing through together.
  • You'd love to experience a community where you can show up as your real self and feel right at home, releasing the tiresome masks you've often worn elsewhere.

Still with me? If so, let's see if we can disqualify you and send you packing. CGC is not for everyone. You need to pass through some filters first.

CGC is NOT for...

  • Trump supporters – Fiercely NO! CGC is off limits to them. That's not for political reasons – it's for alignment reasons. Trump supporters are exploring the domination of Power over Truth and Love. In CGC we seek to harmoniously balance Truth, Love, and Power, so joining CGC is not compatible with what Trump supporters are currently exploring. Trump supporters are free to keep exploring their own preferred experiences, but elsewhere, such as on more suitable platforms like X and Tard Social. Incompatible directions are closed to them. CGC resides in a different part of the experiential spectrum which Trump supporters don't get to access right now. They have their own exploring to do. We have ours.
  • People seeking therapy or trauma support from CGC – CGC is not a mental healthcare provider, and I'm not your therapist. If you want to engage with therapy or if you're looking for a community that provides trauma-informed or PTSD support, please look elsewhere. It's fine if you're receiving such support on the side, but please don't expect CGC to play that role in your life. We're a community of self-development explorers, so our focus is very forward-looking.
  • People expecting CGC to be a religious group – CGC doesn't espouse any particular religion or belief system. If it's important to you to find a group that aligns with your preferred religion, CGC isn't for you because that isn't our frequency range.
  • People who have significant resistance to open-minded exploration – CGC members often explore in diverse directions. There's no pressure for you to ever explore something that doesn't interest you, but you need to be able to handle being part of a group full of curious explorers. Can you handle being part of a community where some members are exploring psychedelics, for instance? If not, you'd best run along.
  • Assholes – It's rare that we ever have to kick someone out of CGC after they've joined, but it has happened a few times before, although not for at least a few years now. The #1 reason we have to ban someone is that they resort to personal attacks against other members and drag down the community with their behavior, which detracts from our purpose. Our community standards are really just common sense and ought to be no trouble for 99%+ of people. Inside CGC you have tons of freedom to share and explore whatever interests you, but don't cross the line of degrading the experience for others. Personal attacks are strictly off limits.
  • People seeking one-on-one coaching from Steve or CGC – CGC invites you to participate in many growth-oriented experiences as you explore self-development with other members over the course of a year (or longer if you keep renewing). What CGC provides is experiential, creative, and extremely unique. Divergent would be a fair label too. In CGC you'll engage with self-development from MANY different angles. Think of it like an experiential wave generator. You get to decide which waves you'll catch and ride with us and which you'll let pass. If this appeals to you, great. But if you're mainly looking to hire a coach... well, that's a bit too basic relative to what CGC provides. CGC is a place where everyone co-explores together in their own way, and we all contribute to each other's growth. It's actually very holographic at times, like we're all parts of some larger being, evolving in parallel.
  • Self-absorbed prima donnas – If you're not familiar with the term, a prima donna is "a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance." CGC isn't a match for such people. We prefer team players with enough humility to be willing to keep working on themselves.
  • People attached to wallowing in self-pity or depression – Uh... nope! Not for us. Is that who you want to be?
  • People who are really sluggish – If you lack some decent motivation or energy and have a hard time getting yourself going, CGC is likely to be too much for you. It's a better fit for people with energy to spare. It takes energy to work on oneself, even though it can also be very energizing too.
  • People who are too cheap to join – If you're not willing to invest $3 a day on your self-development, it's safe to say that CGC isn't for you. The price is very reasonable for such an immersive experience, but it also needs to be high enough to deflect most of the mismatches. The price is just high enough so that people who are looking for an excuse not to join can use the price to let themselves off the hook. For people who are aligned with CGC, the price is more likely to excite, inspire, and stimulate them to want to join. As you'll soon see, it's a very interesting price, number-wise. There's a lot of intentionality behind it.
  • People who are unwilling to connect on Zoom calls – Zoom is one of the primary ways we connect in CGC. Our calls are lively, upbeat, enthusiastic – and very warm and human. But if you're Zoom'd out and can't handle engaging with other members on video calls, you may want to look elsewhere. We've been using Zoom since we started in 2017. It's solid tech that has always worked for us, so we're sticking with it for Year 8. We'll likely host about 100 Zoom calls for our members this coming CGC year – with a wide variety of styles, vibes, and formats. You can attend as many or as few as you want as a member. We also have a 24/7 Zoom Lounge which members can use to connect with each other whenever they want.
  • People who prefer to hide more than to engage right now – Fair enough, but if you'd rather be in hiding mode, you ought to skip this year with us. This is going to be a very high-engagement, stimulating year in CGC. It's not the ideal fit for people who prefer to stay in lurker mode.

Did any of those actually snag you? If so, you can stop reading because CGC isn't for you... unless you're still curious.

Now if you passed through those filters unscathed, wow... you just might be a super strong match for CGC. Keep reading... but let's quickly address a few non-issues first, just in case you might be wondering about them.

These Factors Don't Matter:

  • Your current situation or starting point – We're all at different points on our self-development journeys, especially in terms of how long we've been consciously working on ourselves and the specific human-level problems and challenges we're currently dealing with as individuals. We work a lot on the fundamentals in CGC, the kind that take a lifetime (or more) to master. Whatever your current circumstances, you're welcome to join as long as you're interested in consciously developing yourself.
  • Your financial situation - CGC has had members all across the financial spectrum, from broke to wealthy. As long as you can afford the dues and you have the time and energy to invest, you're good.
  • Your age – Young, old… it’s all the same. I just turned 53 earlier this month if that matters to you.
  • Your location - Each year in CGC, we always have members from many different countries. So far we've had members from every continent except Antarctica. Most of our members are from North America and Europe.
  • Your sex, gender identity, or sexual preferences – People are people. Come right in.

Still here? Your masochism is impressive. Now let's get into the juicier bits.

CGC's Year 8 Theme: Fire Infusion

Now let me candidly share some details about the intentionality behind CGC Year 8, so you get a sense of our current direction. See if any of this feels resonant with you – if it does, I'd say that's a good sign you'd be a match for joining us this year.

Each year in CGC is fresh, new, and different. Sometimes we tweak the offering a little for a new CGC year, sometimes a lot. This year it's a significant expansion that builds upon and extends various improvements we made in Year 7.

I'd say that Year 7 in CGC was fairly intimate. I really enjoyed the flow of this year, which had many surprises for me too (like getting into microdosing 8+ months ago). For Year 8 I'm really going deeper into trusting my intuition and what I'm sensing about where CGC's energy wants to go next – which is in the direction of a bigger, bolder, and more energetic year.

Theme-wise I love the label Fire Infusion for this upcoming CGC Year. CGC has done really well with compassionate support and encouragement. I'd like to keep those vibes humming along and also bring in more intense-9, stimulating, exhilarating vibes too. Keep the oneness and harmony, and weave in more power and courage alignment. I could really go for a less tame, more vibrant, stretchier, and more divergent kind of year.

That said, I'm also feeling VERY aligned with providing a solid backbone of structure, more than we've had in any previous year. So for Year 8, you'll find that we've mapped out events well into 2025 with specific dates and times already. Keep reading and you'll get those details here.

Additionally, I want to invite a strong purpose-driven and service-based alignment this coming CGC year, so we attract and serve more members who want to reach for a bigger why than just working on their own self-development – people who want to create more ripples and have more impact.

I'm really amped for a fresh year in CGC that's more energetic, fiery, purposeful, and potent. If you feel drawn to that kind of energy too, I think you'll love Year 8.

Another theme I see emerging for Year 8 is for us to go deep, deep, deep into self-trust. That has been hugely transformational for me this past year – really getting in tune with my intuition and then doing the inner work to be able to bet big on it. I've done things this past year that I've never done before. Some were meaningful but relatively tame, like visiting Stonehenge and going to Northern Ireland and Scotland. Others were definitely not tame but had hugely positive results, like a life-changing MDMA experience I had in September – that one is still generating significant ripples for me today.

My life has been feeling really magical lately, and I go through day after day feeling very happy, motivated, appreciative, and also fired up. The balance among different interests is getting better and better too. That's another theme that's sure to be part of Year 8 too – balance. I especially love balancing the intensity and thrill of fire energy with stability, structure, rhythm, and harmony. Good structure serves as a great jumping-off point for being able to handle more intensity.

Based on what I've seen many CGCers going through in their lives thus far, I sense that there's still lots of purging to be done as well. Many members of the community have some gunky misalignments clogging their flow, like a misaligned job or family situation. If you might consider yourself as part of that group, I invite you to see Year 8 as the year you finally burn those misalignments to ashes and get your ass on a heart-aligned path.

Fire energy can help to burn away the misaligned, and it can also ignite you with newfound passion. It may sound violent when viewed from the outside looking in, but as you move through it, you may find that it's also extremely honest and compassionate, never heating up more than you're ready to handle. The more you work with this kind of energy, the more you'll realize it's 100% on your side – it's just been patiently waiting for you to be ready to consciously engage with it.

Do you want the next year of your life to be a super sparky one? If so, I think you'll really enjoy and appreciate this coming CGC year.

The flip side of fire energy is that it can be unapologetically disruptive. It's not so linear. It will surprise you, and you'll surprise yourself too as you engage with it.

I had lots of this kind of energy flowing through my life in the past year, and now I find that it's settled into a stable fireplace-like energy. The heat stays on and the flame keeps burning, but it's not putting me through massive disruptions right now. For CGC Year 8, I sense that a big part of my role in people's lives will be to invite them into this fire energy without being consumed by it myself, so I can act as a stable anchor point for people to keep connecting with it as much as they need. I see this playing out both in CGC and via my YouTubing journey in the year ahead. On the other hand, perhaps it's more accurate to say that this energy continues to create strong ripples and powerful changes in my life, but I'm getting better at handling those waves, embracing the new normal.

Another way of saying this is that I'm pretty sure we're going to be working through a lot of potent emotional energy this year in CGC. If you prefer numbness or stuck-in-your-headness, I don't think Year 8 is for you.

Quarterly Themes & Explorations

Each calendar quarter in CGC, we pick a theme to focus on. It's like an alignment signal that permeates the group. In Year 7 we picked these themes one quarter at a time. This year we've mapped them all out in advance, so people can get a better sense of some of the waves we'll be inviting into our lives.

Here are our quarterly themes that overlap CGC Year 8:

  • Q2 2024 (Apr - Jun 2024): Renew, Reset, Reboot
  • Q3 2024 (Jul - Sep 2024): Engage
  • Q4 2024 (Oct - Dec 2024): Train
  • Q1 2025 (Jan - Mar 2025): Open
  • Q2 2025 (Apr - Jun 2025): Soar

We're about a month into the Renew, Reset, Reboot theme, so we'll continue with this theme throughout May and June. Then on July 1st, we'll flow into the Engage theme – that's the quarter where we'll be entering the new Engage course together... more on that coming up further into this invite.

For CGC Year 8, we're putting more emphasis on flexible, action-infused exploration in alignment with these themes and less emphasis on the daily challenge framing (30 days, 90 days, etc.) that we've used in the past. So instead of calling it a theme and challenge, we'll be calling it a theme and exploration for Year 8. Each quarter we'll invite and encourage members to align with the group energy around the theme by choosing and committing to some kind of deeper exploration they want to do.

This is a fairly modest shift, mainly for increased flexibility. Anyone can still explore a theme in the form of a daily challenge if they want, but now we can also invite many other forms of exploration and discovery that don't fit so neatly into a daily challenge approach.

This also links up with inviting more exploration energy into CGC for Year 8. As you'll soon see, this will be a major part of the Engage course. And it's infused into our new calls for Year 8. Let's cover that next...

Massive Variety of Group Calls - 14 Different Types (10 All New)

One of the biggest upgrades for CGC Year 8 is a major infusion of variety in our frequent Zoom calls for CGC members, each one inviting you to explore your self-development from different angles and frames.

Typically we host 1-3 Zoom calls for CGCers per week, sometimes with weeks off. For year 7 it was around 80 calls for the year. We expect closer to 100 calls for Year 8. You definitely don’t have to attend them all, but you’re welcome to show up for as many calls as you want. It’s fine to attend part of a call too.

Unless otherwise specified (like for special events), every CGC call is on a weekday (never on weekends) and starts at 11:11 AM Pacific Time. We shift up the days, but the calls always land in the Monday through Friday range. We do take some weeks off each year, such as for travel or other events. But most weeks of the year, there’s at least one CGC call for you to attend.

Most calls run for about an hour. We don’t record them (except for Reflections & Revelations calls), so if you miss a call, you miss it. The calls are experiential, so the point is to attend live, participate, and engage.

Currently my wife Rachelle and I host all of these calls, so you’ll be engaging with us very directly throughout the CGC Year. I love hosting the calls personally, and I’m known for making them lively, enthusiastic, stimulating, and often playful. I think when you look at the creative names and designs of these calls, you’ll have a pretty good idea if these types of experiences appeal to you.

Here's a list of the different call types we have for Year 8.

1. Explorers’ Exchange

One of our most popular CGC Year 7 formats continues into Year 8. Join your fellow CGCers for rich and meaningful discussions on key self-development topics. Learn from others, share your experiences, ask questions, and deepen your understanding. Feeling a bit quiet today? You’re welcome to just relax, watch, and listen too.

2. Intention Infusion

Another popular format from Year 7, these are our monthly intention-setting calls where you’ll be guided to formulate your individual intentions for the upcoming month. Then join us in co-creating and energizing a group intention (including picking an intentional tracer) that we’ll track throughout the month. Use these calls to invite more serendipity into your life as you improve your ability to cooperatively harmonize with reality.

3. Truth Spark - NEW for Year 8

These highly introspective calls will help guide you through the inner work necessary to identify, accept, and align with your deeper truths, especially those truths hidden beneath layers of denial, avoidance, or self-deception. Many powerful growth experiences begin with elevating your truth alignment, whereby you can finally face and accept the next-level challenges you were previously resisting or avoiding. Find compassionate support in facing your most difficult truths as you support your fellow CGCers in their realignment journeys too. Instead of waiting for life to bonk you on the head with some harsh realizations, invite the spark of truth with conscious willingness, and build a more honest and cooperative relationship with life.

4. Good Vibrations - NEW for Year 8

Your “vibe" is the summation of your thoughts, feelings, and overall energy output across your body, mind, heart, and spirit. As you’ve probably seen by now, life responds very differently to vibes of enthusiasm, appreciation, curiosity, wonder, and optimism than it does to vibes of worry, anxiety, self-absorption, desperation, or neediness. Learn to consistently elevate your default vibes and expand your vibrational range with direct and engaging practice in these emotionally expressive, vibe-raising calls. Implant, embed, and reinforce your favorite vibes more strongly in your life until they’re self-maintaining. Also gain insight and awareness regarding how your own vibrational expressions are perceived and interpreted by others, so you can emit more of the vibes that harmoniously align with your intentions.

5. Bear Care - NEW for Year 8

Bring your current misalignments and boundary management challenges to this call. Channel your inner bear energy to upgrade your defenses against energy drains. Guard your goals against interference and disruption, strengthen your focus, and release whatever is ready to be purged from your life. This is your opportunity to directly practice lesson 2.8 from the Amplify course (“Being a Bear”).

6. Spirit Spire - NEW for Year 8

Summon and channel your best higher-self energy to invite fresh perspectives, inspiration, insights, solutions, creativity, motivation, and resolution. Use your potent spirit power to demolish limitations, reveal shortcuts, and unlock greater flow. You can also leverage these calls to invite your next level of access to your innate spirit power, and use those new insights and abilities to upgrade your human experience. Remember that your true spirit is already in perfect alignment with abundance, joy, wisdom, and more. The more you practice aligning with your limitless self, the more limits you can release. These calls can also help you discover what additional work you must do at the human level before your higher self will grant you permission to access even greater experiential flow.

7. Contribution Café - NEW for Year 8

Explore and discover ways to amplify your service and contribution to the world and to the flow of life. Enrich your sense of meaning, purpose, commitment, and leadership as you invite deeper levels of caring, compassion, and willingness to serve the greater good. Identify and resolve your resistance to greater service as you expand your contribution capacity. Harmoniously balance your service to others with your individual needs and desires, and learn to serve sustainably without draining yourself. Enjoy the powerful, ultra-supported flow that arises from knowing you’re making a significant positive difference in people’s lives.

8. Stature Sculptor - NEW for Year 8

Put the character-sculpting principles from the Stature course into real-life practice as you chisel, refine, and polish your values, priorities, habits, behaviors, self-talk, and aspirations. Upgrade your identity and self-image to truly embody the character you would most love to play in this life. Discover, accept, and embrace your unique, individual, and deeply personal path of growth and development. Instead of trying to model others’ behaviors, approaches, and successes, learn to better utilize your own most differentiated strengths.

9. Story Lab - NEW for Year 8

Where does your story want to go next? Rotate through the insightful and creative perspectives of writer, director, and actor as you examine your life through the lens of story. Learn to apply empowering, meaningful, and motivating frames to your life events. Discover new meaning in your past and present, as you consciously write, direct, and act out your future chapters. These calls are especially well-suited to working through upcoming transitions such as a career change, identity shift, or lifestyle transformation.

10. Courage Forge - NEW for Year 8

Stoke your inner fire as you boldly step into the forge of courage. Burn away the inauthentic and the misaligned, and ignite your motivation with energy that lights you up inside. Face your fears, break through resistance, and align yourself with fearlessness. Release the heartless path, and commit to finding and walking your path with a heart. Discover and accept your “call to the stage” – the place, the work, or the mode of living that you may still resist yet keep thinking about. These calls are not for the timid. Be aware that the weakest parts of you may very well attempt to block you from attending – because they know they’re about to be yanked from their hiding places and tossed onto the bonfire.

11. Pure Imagination - NEW for Year 8

Leave your stale old predictable thoughts and frames at the door as you stretch your mind with divergent thinking. Explore the richness of possibility space as you practice dreaming, imagining, and envisioning. Open yourself to new perspectives, new mindsets, new heartsets, and new experiences. Challenge and upgrade your old sense of self as you peer beyond the illusory walls of your current reality box.

12. Mystery Mixer

Do you like occasional surprises? This is our wildcard call format for a spontaneous, co-creative growth exploration with whoever shows up. Sometimes we’ll pick a theme at the start of the call to explore together, while other times the flow and topics will unfold as we go. Embrace adaptability, curiosity, and serendipitous connections in this unique and unpredictable experience.

13. Reflections & Revelations

On these calls we invite one CGC member to share deeper details about one or more aspects of their self-development journey, delving into their experiences, successes, setbacks, lessons, and insights. The intention is to cross-pollinate our hard-earned wisdom for the benefit of others in the community. Unlike most of the other formats, R&R calls are recorded and posted to the CGC Portal, so members can watch and review them at their leisure.

14. Alien Popcorn - NEW for Year 8

Alien Popcorn invites you to share, discuss, explore, and harmoniously integrate your unusual reality-bending experiences, perspectives, and insights with open-minded CGCers. Subjective Reality explorations, lucid dreaming, astral journeys, mind-blowing synchronicities, psychedelic adventures – it’s all fair game. Bring your most divergent, stretchy self to these calls, and feel free to dress creatively too (PJs, bathrobe, wild colors, crazy hat, insane virtual backgrounds, digital bling for your avatar, etc.). You’re also welcome to attend these calls in an altered state of consciousness (high, stoned, shroomie, caffeinated, post-deep-meditation, etc.), as long as you can still handle being on the call – and especially if you can help to serve as a bridge to other positive and supportive energies. The owls are not what they seem!

I know, right? This really is an unprecedented amount of variety.

The calls for this calendar quarter and the first week of July are already listed on the CGC Calendar. You'll see at least one of every type of call already scheduled when you join – again, always on weekdays at 11:11 AM Pacific Time.

In CGC Year 7, we scheduled the calls about a month in advance. For Year 8 we're scheduling these calls a full calendar quarter at a time. This makes it easier for you to align your schedule with ours if you wish to be active on the live calls.

We're sticking with mostly unrecorded calls for Year 8, like we did in Year 7. With the exception of Reflections & Revelations calls from the list above (which are recorded and added to the CGC portal), we won't be recording any of the other formats. Each call is a precious one-time experience. Even recurring calls with the same label are likely to create very different experiences each time. For instance, every Explorers' Exchange call involves exploring a different topic together, so it's never a repeat.

This will not be a year of repetition or routine. There's so much divergent variety here that if you attend a lot of the live calls, you're going to be inviting many different energies to act upon you. I don't think many frequent call attendees are likely to emerge from these experiences unchanged.

You can empower yourself to be on the calls, or you can choose to prioritize something else and not show up – that's your choice to make. No one is in charge of the schedule of your life but you. Rachelle and I will be on these calls to serve the heck out of the people who show up. We have an outstanding track record of starting CGC calls on time and bringing lots of positive energy to them. I'd like to amp that up even more for Year 8.

I am not super sensitive to when we end each call. We aim for about an hour, but it's not precise and usually goes a bit longer. You're always free to leave after the hour is up if you want (or really any time of your choosing). With formats that involve some divergent aspects, such as co-creating group intentions for our Intention Infusion calls, it can be tough to converge everything by a specific time. I like to keep things moving forward, but I also like to find the natural convergence instead of trying to force it prematurely. That said, I'm also okay with people dropping off a call whenever they choose to. There's no expectation for anyone to stay on a call for any specific duration.

So there's going to be a boatload of many different angles and energies to explore together in Year 8. In terms of the sheer variety of call formats, we're offering more variety than in any previous year – by a lot!

In designing these new formats, I incorporated all 7 core growth principles: Truth, Love, Power, Oneness, Authority, Courage, and Intelligence. Some of these links will be obvious, like Truth Spark and Courage Forge. Other principles are more intricately woven into the new calls. By attending many of these calls, you'll be engaging with a very balanced set of leverage points for growth.

Can you imagine what it would do to you if you attended most of these calls over the course of a year?

Bases Loaded Event - July 9-12, 2024

The name of this event was actually inspired by our April Intention Infusion call in CGC.

This is a very hands-on walkthrough that I'll guide you through over the course of 4 consecutive days, about 2 hours each day – July 9-12, 2024 (Tue-Fri). The purpose is to clarify your true priorities and then map out your projects and actions to create a satisfying balance.

Originally I was leaning towards weaving in some weekend events like we did in previous years, but I opted to keep everything on weekdays this year and go for shorter segments per day, so we don't have any super long Zoom calls all on one day. This also makes it easier for me to responsively adapt the workshop day by day as we go.

I've already mapped out what we'll be working on each day, but I won't share that info here since this invite is plenty detailed already. I can share those details closer to the event. Basically the first two days will involve some divergent exploration of balance together, and then on the final two days, we'll focus on converging as you build a balanced plan for how you'll map priorities to your actual life and timeline.

This event ought to be especially useful and practical for people who find it challenging to balance multiple interests and commitments in a way that feels harmonious – and with nothing important falling by the wayside.

By "hands-on" I mean that this event will take the form of a guided walkthrough, so you'll be doing the prioritizing, balancing, mapping, and scheduling as we go.

On the surface this may seem like a fairly mental-level event, but from the start of Day 1, you're likely to find that it's much more emotional and spiritual than you may have realized. Many people are likely to discover on these calls that they've been misunderstanding their own true priorities. The core invitation of this series is to do a ground-up remapping of your genuine priorities and to grasp how different a re-prioritization of your activities will be for you. If you struggle with balance, you probably have some inherited priorities that aren't working for you.

The Bases Loaded name also points to the analogy of getting on base in the game of baseball and advancing runners methodically to set your team up for a grand slam home run. When your true priorities are in balance, it's easier to advance multiple areas of your life harmoniously, such that you experience the equivalent of more home runs – more breakthroughs on multiple levels, beautifully synchronized.

Since these calls are longer than our regular ones (2 hours x 4 days in a row), we'll start a bit earlier, so they'll be 10 AM to 12 PM Pacific Time each day.

Bases Loaded is slotted shortly after we do our Q3 Goal Gateway process in CGC (where we all plan out our quarterly goals), so you can use these calls to help advance your specific goals for that quarter in a very action-oriented way. That timing is very intentional. It's a great one-two punch to help you advance your goals harmoniously.

All 4 calls for Bases Loaded will be recorded and added to the CGC portal. This is a one-time event, and we're only doing it this year.

Engage Course – Begins July 31, 2024

Yes, we finally have a firm start date for the Engage course: July 31, 2024. That's 90-some days from now. That's when I'll publish the first lesson, and then I'll create and publish the other lessons as we go.

Engage is for people who want to create STRONGER and more POTENT connections to their desired range of experiences. Really pull in those high-engagement vibes and hang with them regularly, not just infrequently or never. It's also for people who want to majorly open up and extend their range of experiences.

As previously noted, this will be a 42-lesson video course. You'll get audio versions and text transcripts of each lesson too, and you can download the lessons as well if you want.

Here's what's very different about this: I'm going to be posting the content portion of the course – all 42 lessons – directly on YouTube. So this aspect of the course will be free for everyone, CGC members and non-members alike. This will be my first video course where I pre-record and edit the videos. We've done other video courses like Deep Abundance Integration and Guild, but those were delivered live and only had minimal editing. Engage is going to be very different since I expect to do lots of hands-on editing with each video. While doing the Engage course, that's going to be most of my YouTubing for those months as well. I'll put all the course videos in a YouTube playlist that I build out as we go.

There will also be a paid level to the course, and CGC members will get access to that too as part of their membership.

I want to do a bang-up job on these videos, making this the best course I've ever created. Because making good videos is a lot more involved than making audio lessons, I won't be cranking out lessons every day like I've done with audio courses in the past. I expect the pace of creating and publishing lessons to be closer to a one per week. And I'll take some weeks off, such as for breaks, for travel, or to deliver other CGC events. So you can expect Engage lessons to trickle in all throughout the CGC year.

We'll likely be finishing the course around April 2025, but it could finish earlier or later. My priority is the quality and depth of the lessons and crafting the overall experience, so I'm not going to worry about holding to a fixed delivery schedule. Each lesson will be published when it's ready.

The timing of the course also gives me a generous 3 more months to continue with regular YouTubing leading up to it. Skill-wise I feel ready now, but it feels even better to take this time to keep refining and practicing my video spiral. Another reason is that I already have plenty of topics I'd like to cover with fresh videos but that I don't see fitting into the Engage course.

One reason I paused my YouTubing for the past several weeks is that I put tons of effort into a lot of life rebalancing, not to mention a significant amount of design work for CGC Year 8. I needed to create the space on my calendar to give this course the attention I really feel it deserves. This isn't a course that I can push through quickly. I really want to take my time with it, and I like the idea of building it over the span of many months instead of something like 30 or 60 days as I've done with past courses.

A big breakthrough for me was deciding to do the content version of the course on YouTube. I've been super jazzed about how my YouTubing journey is going so far, and it really didn't feel aligned to try to divide my creative flow between YouTubing and making a video course. That seemed like a radical idea at first, but I love it because it means that working on the course and investing wholeheartedly in YouTubing are both harmoniously aligned. Now I don't feel like my creative energy is being split in two. This is also why I prioritized mapping out and designing the slate of events for CGC Year 8 during the past several weeks. I wanted to give that my creative 100% too, and I couldn't split my focus between doing such a big upgrade for CGC and trying to YouTube and/or create a course at the same time.

However long it takes, even if it goes longer than May 1, 2025 (start of CGC Year 9), as a CGC member you'll get access to all the Engage lessons and everything else we put into it.

We'll have a private portal for the lessons too like we have for all previous courses, so you can watch the lessons there or on YouTube – your choice.

The next section is also part of the Engage course, and this part is all new and has never been announced before. This is one of our nice new surprises for CGC Year 8.

Bucket List Events – 3 of Them!

This is a special part of the Engage course (paid version and available to CGCers) where we'll work together on seriously advancing and then completing some of our personal "bucket list" items – those someday/maybe ideas that you somehow never get around to actually doing.

Here are some examples off the top of my head of goals you could engage with during these sessions:

  • Go skydiving
  • Travel to a city you've always wanted to visit
  • Learn to dance competently and confidently
  • Write a book
  • Go on a cruise
  • Start a YouTube channel
  • Go wine tasting in California
  • Go on an ayahuasca retreat
  • Run a marathon

The goal you pick is very flexible and entirely your choice. It could be big or small. You could do multiple bucket list goals each time, or pick one big one to pursue. The purpose is to advance your bucket list items far enough that seeing them through to completion is virtually guaranteed. That doesn't mean you've had the full experience yet, but you've bought the tickets and booked transportation, signed up for the dance classes, made some hard-to-undo public commitments, etc. You've reached the point where full follow-through has become inevitable.

Here's the format: Three different times throughout the next CGC year, we'll host a series of 4 Zoom calls. These aren't on consecutive days though. Here are the dates for all 3 sets:

Engage - Bucket List Series 1 Calls

  • Call 1 - Tue Sep 10, 2024
  • Call 2 - Thu Sep 12, 2024
  • Call 3 - Tue Sep 17, 2024
  • Call 4 - Tue Sep 24, 2024

Engage - Bucket List Series 2 Calls

  • Call 1 - Tue Nov 19, 2024
  • Call 2 - Thu Nov 21, 2024
  • Call 3 - Tue Nov 26, 2024
  • Call 4 - Tue Dec 3, 2024

Engage - Bucket List Series 3 Calls

  • Call 1 - Tue Feb 18, 2025
  • Call 2 - Thu Feb 20, 2025
  • Call 3 - Tue Feb 25, 2025
  • Call 4 - Tue Mar 4, 2025

All calls in this series are 90 minutes and start at 11:11 AM Pacific Time (11:11 AM - 12:41 PM). They could go longer though if people want to keep hanging out or sharing.

For each set it works like this: The first call is on a Tuesday, the second call 2 days later, the third call 5 days after that, and the fourth call 7 days after the third. These are spaced out like this for good reason.

On the first two calls we'll be making decisions about exactly which bucket list item (or items) to work on individually. So within two days after we start, you'll chose your goal(s). Then you'll be invited to do the necessary research, learning, and so on to advance the goal. The calls act as milestones for reaching certain points as you advance towards inevitability. We'll encourage everyone to do their best to cross the inevitability line by the fourth call.

We'll have lots of sharing along the way, so it ought to be a very immersive – and fun – experience each time.

One possibility here, especially among CGCers, is that some people may want to team up to do some bucket list items together. That's not essential, but it's surely an option for people who have similar goals, like if people want to go on a cruise together.

Rachelle and I are going to do this with you too, so we'll be picking our own bucket list items to work on during each series. I don't know what I'm going to pick yet – I'll make those decisions when the time comes. For me this is basically normal living though, so I may need to stretch myself to do something bolder or more creative.

We'll have 3 run-throughs of this 4-call series, and you'll be encouraged to do something different each time. One time the focus may be on doing something you've been afraid to do. Another time it may involve having a new experience you've often dreamed of having. Perhaps for the third one, you'll commit to learning a new skill.

So in this part of the Engage course, we'll be pulling ideas out of dream space and making them happen for real.

This whole series – all 12 calls – will be recorded and added to the CGC portal. So even if you miss the live calls, you can keep up with the group flow by watching the recordings. It's truly best if you show up live though and really get immersed in the group energy since that's likely to be motivating and inspiring.

Also... when we begin the 2nd and 3rd series, we'll check in with people to see who accomplished their previous bucket list goals and what that was like for them. So we can build upon that momentum as we go.

I'm really looking forward to these events. I think they'll be a lot of fun. Many people are going to have experiences they'd otherwise possibly never have done.

Rogue Event - January 28-31, 2025

At this point we're about 6 months after the Bases Loaded event, so we're going to do a new 4-day series with a similar format but a very different theme.

I had an idea to do an event called Rogue about two years ago and even did some preliminary design work on it, and now it's finally going to happen.

Rogue is about divergent exploration and going your own unique way in life. Move away from the herd, and make your own intuition-driven decisions and commitments. Fully embrace what sets you apart. Develop your character and your lifestyle like no one else is doing. Encourage deep trust of your intuition and inner guidance as you release the need to live up to other people's expectations.

This will be a lively exploration – and celebration – of your individual uniqueness. You're going to take a deep look at how you're different – really different – and come to terms with committing to your own path through life that's unlike anyone else's. It's the opposite of trying to copy other people's success patterns.

Another way of stating it: Rogue is about increasing your self-trust – and strengthening your connection to those parts of you that deserve the deepest levels of trust.

Rogue is slotted during Q1 2025, when we'll be immersed in CGC's "Open" theme, which is a perfect – and deliberately chosen – match for it.

As with Bases Loaded, these calls will be 10 AM to 12 PM Pacific Time. The dates are January 28-31, 2025 (Tue-Fri).

Bases Loaded and Rogue will also be offered to non-CGCers for a price. Currently I'm leaning towards $333 for each, but I won't lock that in just yet.

Continuing CGC Features

Many other tried-and-true CGC features will continue into Year 8. This includes:

  • CGC Forums – Our private forum is the social nexus of CGC. It's fast, focused, action-oriented, and free of ads and affiliate links. You can add it as a phone app too. This is our main go-to space for connecting with each other each day. Rachelle and I are both very active there. I maintain a progress log there too, sharing updates about my various explorations that never make it onto my blog or YouTube videos.
  • CGC Portal / Steve's Course Library – This is our digital library where you get access to all of my courses. It includes the Deep Abundance Integration, Submersion, Stature, Amplify, and Guild courses. You'll also find the full recordings of The Octo Intensive (The 8 Keys to Self-Motivation), The Spirit of Money, The Power of Spirit, and lots of other bonuses too. If you bought all of these individually, it would add up to thousands of dollars, way more than what it costs to join CGC for a year. The content is streamable and downloadable, so even if you only join CGC for one year, you can download and keep whatever you like. You can even coordinate with other members to go through a course together and compare notes. There are ongoing threads to discuss each course in the CGC forums.
  • CGC Lounge – This is our 24/7 Zoom hangout which any member can use to connect with other members, including hosting their own calls to lead people through experiences. Just coordinate with Rachelle if you want to pre-schedule something, so she can add it to the CGC Calendar. Members have used the Lounge to connect in a variety of different ways over the years, including movie watch parties, gaming sessions, cooking demos, sharing circles, co-working sessions, and more. We're very encouraging of members who want to use the CGC Lounge to connect in creative ways. It's a very participatory community.
  • CGC Calendar – The CGC Calendar shows upcoming CGC events and calls, so you can see at a glance what's on the agenda.
  • CGC Emails – Rachelle also sends out regular emails to keep you in the loop about CGC happenings.

We're also continuing our Goal Gateway process (quarterly goal planning), but we're going to have an all-new majorly upgraded version of it for Year 8. I will say that the new process is intended to align more strongly with strengthening your self-trust.

Price – $1111

In every previous year, CGC has been $1997 USD. If we adjusted for inflation, it ought to be more than $2550 today, but we've held to that same price through CGC Year 7.

I had previously announced that we'd be pricing CGC at $2222 for new members while keeping renewals at $1997. I've reconsidered though. I spent a lot of time reflecting on this – yes indeed with some consults with mild doses of shroomies and cannabis – and my realization was that $1997 or even $2222 are not the right prices for Year 8.

So we're going with a different price for CGC Year 8, and it will be the same for everyone, new members and continuing members alike.

We're going with $1111 USD for CGC Year 8.

That's 44.4% less than before. It works out to $3 per day... $21 per week.

In all honesty the #1 reason I'm going with this price is that it feels intuitively right to me, in a way that no other price does.

Even if you were planning to enroll at $1997 – and plenty of people told me privately that they were going to – you keep the extra $886 and do with it as you please. Use it for other investments in your self-development this coming year. Maybe sign up for dance classes.

Why $1111?

Here's some further explanation for those who want to know those details.

I can assure you that this decision wasn't made rashly or impulsively. I took plenty of time to think this through rationally, and for me that aspect adds up too. I have a strong sense that CGC wants to grow in size. I'd love to see that happen. It seems likely that lowering the price will make it more accessible to more people. We'll probably see more people signing up for Year 8, although there are no guarantees of that. Having more members in CGC helps generate and support more energy, more variety, and more interchange of ideas and energy. This aligns well with the Fire Infusion theme too.

There's another pathway where we raise the price instead. Given all that we've added to CGC since we started in 2017, it would be easy to justify a price increase, such as to $3K or $5K. I thought a lot about doing that, especially since I originally modeled parts of CGC's structure around what I learned from programs costing $10K to $30K per year. But going that route hasn't felt right to me.

I do feel that $1997 was the right price to begin with. That felt aligned for years 1-7. I was tempted to change it in some previous years, but my intuition always said to stick with the same price, and focus on other changes and improvements. I sensed that in some future year, changing the price would be on the table as well, most likely to increase it.

But I have this strong sense now that CGC wants to open up more. That wouldn't have been very practical during the first 6 years since I couldn't easily scale the coaching calls (where I coached people personally) to accommodate too many more people. I began shifting CGC to a more scalable structure starting with Year 7 by dropping the old coaching model and introducing a variety of new call formats that could flexibly accommodate more people without having to be 4+ hours in duration. All of the call formats for Year 8 were also designed with this type of scalability in mind. So CGC is now capable of handling way more members inside than we could during our first six years. We've always had dozens of members each year – I think our max was around 150 in any given year – but now we have the excess capacity to grow beyond that.

Initially I was also telling myself that the pathway to scale up CGC to more members was to build up my YouTube channel. That's off to a good start this year – my channel ought to pass 10K subscribers soon – but I think it will take a good bit more time before that becomes a significant source of new members. I'm super optimistic about that in the long run, but I don't think it will necessarily play a major role in Year 8. For Year 9 and beyond though, I think it could be a much bigger deal if this YouTubing journey keeps unfolding so harmoniously, especially given my decision to post the full content of the new Engage course there, starting on July 31st.

I also sensed that there was another option to consider, which would be to reduce some of that barrier to entry now. Open the doors wider for Year 8, and do it thoughtfully, not haphazardly. Changing the price is one way to do that.

One concern that I've voiced before was that by lowering the price, we may attract less committed and engaged people into CGC. I'm not so worried about that now though. That's an argument for raising the price actually, since then we can attract even more committed members. I think it's limiting to equate money and commitment though – I always knew that – but now I see a very specific way to do this that I didn't see before. It's not just about lowering the price.

Instead of evolving this CGC invitation by merely refreshing the previous year's version, I've completely rewritten it from scratch – the whole thing – because the old text carries the old vibes. I had to start fresh to infuse the invitation with the new Year 8 energy that wants to come through now. That's why it took me an extra day to open CGC for new members this year, so we opened on April 26 instead of on April 25.

As someone in CGC recently noted, there's an idea that says life runs on 7-year cycles. We're in our final week of our first 7 years in CGC, about to begin a fresh new cycle. It really feels like that to me. If you can sense that too, this could be a really powerful time for you to join.

I want to communicate something on another level here as well. $1111 isn't a number chosen for marketing or sales reasons. To me this is a very meaningful price. The number 1111 has been coming up frequently in my life for 30 years now. I wrote a blog article called 11:11 back in 2009. That number has always served as a spirit-level, reality-bending knock or invitation. It's a reminder that there's more to life than what my physical senses perceive. I often associate 11s with synchronicities. That number gets my attention in ways that other numbers usually don't.

I think that to many people in my larger audience, this price will be seen as a more meaningful and perhaps more personal invitation than the old price, not simply because it's lower but for more spirit-level reasons. I sense it's going to resonate with the right people in a more personal way than the old $1997 price did, especially those people who are meant to join us at this particular time.

The number 1111 also feels very pure. It's symmetrical. It includes the digit one, representing the start of something new. The number represents individuality within an aligned collective, in harmonious balance. We are each individual ones, but we're more than that too. We can keep our individuality and still harmonize beautifully. We're stronger together too. Isn't 1111 more kickass than just 1?

I have a very strong intuitive sense that $1111 is the right choice for CGC Year 8. I can't say what we'll do for Year 9 and beyond yet, but for this year I'm going with it.

Admittedly it has taken some courage to commit to this. Staying with the original price is the safe choice since that has always gone reasonably well. So this is one of those Fire Infusion choice points for me, and I'm deliberately choosing the path that I expect will amp up the energy flow. It doesn't feel like the safe path, but it does feel like the sparky one.

Financially we have plenty of resources, so whatever happens with the sign-ups for Year 8, I'm all-in with serving the heck out of whoever shows up. I feel like CGC's growth in the years ahead is becoming inevitable now anyway – especially as I continue YouTubing – so I'm not feeling particularly attached to how much we grow in any given year. CGC is my forever project.

I would love for this to be a very active, high-energy year in CGC with more members, more energy, more engagement, more connection, and more fun. If it turns out to be on the smaller side and we flow into another year that's more intimate, I'm cool with that too since I have plenty of other very active outlets to interface with as well. So I feel very non-needy regarding the outcome here. More than anything, I just feel super curious about what will happen by really trusting my intuition here.

Honor Code

CGC requires a real commitment from you. Once you enroll, you’re in for the year, and there are no refunds.

Joining CGC is truly a big deal. This can really change the direction of your life in huge ways. Your presence in the club will surely impact other people too. This is not meant to be an impulse purchase, so please take the time to make a thoughtful decision. My best advice is to trust your intuition. Or simply ask: What would my highest and best self do here?

The “no refunds” policy requires more trust than if we offered a money-back guarantee. That’s intentional – this kind of trust has been very good for the club.

We did offer such a guarantee for the first two years of CGC, which made sense while we were still building out the basic structure. After that early development period, we stopped offering the guarantee. Yes, that means fewer people will join CGC. With a strong guarantee, we’d surely get more members signing up initially, but this also means attracting less-aligned members – i.e. those people who wouldn’t have joined without the guarantee.

A money-back guarantee provides an easy escape for people who aren’t committed to doing the real inner work that we do in CGC. When this work becomes challenging, as it inevitably does, people are often tempted to give up and quit. They get scared and they bolt. It’s a drain on the community’s time and energy to invest in building relationships with dabblers who already have one foot out the door, just waiting for their opening to quit. It doesn’t serve CGC’s best interests to invite quitter or dabbler energy into the club.

If you sign up and soon wimp out and fail to participate, that’s on you. At least you’ll have contributed some funds to support CGC’s ongoing purpose, and we’ll put your contribution to good use serving the heck out of the members who show up. Don’t be one of those fade-outs who accumulates excuses instead of results.

If you need more time to build trust in CGC, in me personally, or in your own ability to commit and follow through, I invite you to explore the wealth of free content available on this site, or follow my YouTube channel. Starting on July 31st, you can do the content portion of the Engage course for free. Then circle back to see if you’re ready to join us for Year 9 (opening April 25 - May 1, 2025).

With a one-year membership (or longer if you keep renewing), you'll have plenty of time to get way more than your money’s worth from CGC if you put in the effort to do so.

The real investment you’ll need to make in CGC isn’t really money or time – that’s just the surface level. The bigger investment is courage – namely the courage to realize that it’s time to make a true, long-term commitment to follow your spirit-aligned path. It takes genuine courage to make this kind of work a priority in your life, and it takes even more courage to further develop yourself to align with your spirit-inspired path. The fade-outs invariably don’t make this a very high priority – to them it was always just something to “try” on the side. CGC isn’t a side salad – it’s a gigantic buffet of wave-like energies that will act upon you in ways you cannot predict. Think carefully before you take the plunge.

Even after you join CGC, it will take time to integrate it into your life. We’ll help you through that with an orientation process. It will take some practice and patience, but if you simply keep showing up, you’ll get the hang of it.

CGC will make a much bigger difference in your life if you stick with it for a lot longer than a single year. Really 5 years is a better minimum standard. Even better would be a full 7-year cycle... multiple cycles. My intention is to keep CGC going for as long as it has a purpose to serve and people who appreciate it. I would very much like it to outlive me – and to keep growing and getting stronger even after I’m gone.

Join Us in CGC Year 8 by May 9th

If you want to journey with us in CGC Year 8, I encourage you to make a thoughtful and reflective decision about it. Again my advice is to trust your intuition.

If you’re not feeling that you need to be a part of this, I wish you well, and please make a note on your calendar to check back here on this website (or on my YouTube channel) on July 31st, so you can start enjoying the Engage course content for free.

Here's the link to enroll in CGC Year 8 if you're in. Be sure to sign up by 11 AM Pacific Time on May 9th. It will close for the year at 11:01 AM that day. If you've managed to read this far and what I've shared about Year 8 resonates with you, I hope you'll join us. It won't be an easy year, but I can tell it will be a powerful one.

One-year membership (through May 1, 2025)

That link is for credit card and PayPal. If you prefer to do a bank transfer or use Bitcoin, just send me a message, and I can send you the necessary info. And please feel free to message me if you have any extra questions about CGC. I’ll be happy to answer them.

One More Invitation I Want to Add...

I wasn't originally going to mention this, but I'm feeling inspired to include it now, so here goes... What about having an in-person gathering for CGCers during Year 8?

From 2009 through 2016 (a 7-year cycle???), we did 16 workshops in Las Vegas, each of them 3-day events. Rachelle and I actually met at the very first one – the Conscious Growth Workshop in October 2009. About six months after our last workshop in October 2016, CGC opened, and we've been nurturing and building up what CGC provides ever since.

I've long anticipated that we'll start hosting in-person workshops again, but each CGC year that I considered it, my intuition always said not yet. I would love, love, love to see everyone get together in person. Connecting online is very accessible, but there's really no substitute for engaging face to face. So many hugs too!

Interestingly, this year the intuitive answer I'm getting is a little different. It's gone from a not yet to a genuine possibility, but only when the conditions are right.

I probed into figuring out what those conditions were, and it came through that there's really just one. Once we satisfy that condition, we'll start hosting more live, in-person events again. Such events will be free to active CGCers, included with their membership, although they'll still need to cover travel and lodging if they want to attend. We'll also sell tickets for non-CGCers, so we can have even more energy and engagement with the greater community.

Right now I'm only considering doing events in Las Vegas since it's where we live, and I have lots of experience doing events here. Plus it's easy for me to enlist help from local friends if we need it. I'm not feeling any pings to do such events outside of Vegas, at least not in the near future.

So here's what came through: We'll start incorporating live, in-person events, 3 days minimum (perhaps with a 4th day just for CGCers), once we reach 200 or more members in CGC. I'll include Rachelle and me in the count since we're certainly very active members in the club.

That's more members than we've ever had in CGC before. Will we reach 200+ this year? I really don't know. While I'm open to the possibility, I sense that might require some significant spirit-level help to get us there this year... or some other possibility that isn't on my radar yet.

Why 200? That's a meaningful number to me because it's the lowest number where we can honestly say that we have hundreds of members, a step up from the dozens of members we've had in every prior CGC year. I don't often vibe with numbers-based goals, but I do like numbers that mean something to me and aren't just arbitrary.

This number feels about right to me as well. I'd love to have a nice big group of people to engage with if we do more in-person events.

Could we fit such an event into this CGC year's calendar? Yes. I think a great time to do it would be March or April of 2025. That'll be near the end of CGC Year 8, shortly before starting Year 9. I think it would be a lovely time to gather in person. Plus the weather in Vegas is usually very nice around that time of year.

Our past live events have always been a lot of fun, incorporating lots of games and exercises as we go.

So here's what I'll commit to: Once we reach or surpass 200 members in CGC, we'll start incorporating live in-person events that same CGC year, at least once per year and perhaps building to two per year if there's sufficient support for that. We'll provide lots of advance notice and seek to get the space and dates booked well ahead of time, so we can confirm the dates for everyone.

Let this be an open commitment for future CGC years. So if we don't make it this year, this is still on the table for Year 9 and beyond.

This feels good to me, and I really don't feel attached to how it goes. I love in-person events, but I really enjoy the online engagements too. So if we fall short of 200 this year, that's no problem at all. I've got plenty to keep me busy, and I'll keep working on building up my YouTube channel. We'll surely have a vibrant Year 8 inside CGC no matter what.

If, on the other hand, the energy of CGC decides it's ready to grow to 200+ now, I'm all-in for that direction too.

I actually rather like not knowing which way this will go. Let's find out together. After I post this, I'll add a counter to the top of the page that shows the current CGC sign-ups to the top of this page, so you can check back at any time and see how it's going.

If you decide to join us this year, you'll move that tick one step further, contributing another 0.5%. You like contribution, right? Seriously though, what's most important is that we have aligned members, not just anyone. The number is very much secondary to the alignment. But the more aligned members we have inside CGC, the better it is for everyone. It means we can do a lot more with that extra energy and engagement.

One-year membership (through May 1, 2025)

With fiery love and gratitude,

Steve Pavlina