True Loyalty

Do you have anyone in your life who (occasionally or frequently) loves to vent their frustrations in your direction? Are you often the provider of a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on? At times these can be valuable roles to play. I think it’s well and good to be sympathetic and understanding when…

Simplifying, Downsizing, and Going Nomadic

Recently I decided to undergo a major lifestyle transition. In 2015 I plan to go completely nomadic. No stable home. Very few possessions. Living and working from the road. For the past several weeks, I’ve already been taking action to prepare for this shift, but I still have a ways to go because I need…

Imaginary Men (New Audio Program)

Today I’m happy to announce the launch of a whole new audio program that I recorded with several friends. It’s called Imaginary Men, and I think you’re going to enjoy it — especially if you’re in the mood for something different. 🙂 This is a very original program. I doubt you’ve heard anything like it…

Ridiculously Rewarding Relationships

When you desire to attract and meet a new relationship partner, a common approach is to be more social, start connecting with new people, and try to be as likeable as possible. I think that’s a mistake. Where does this lead? You may very well find a new relationship this way, but it probably won’t…