How to Meet Your Needs Without Being Needy

On the one hand, we’re taught that we have certain needs as human beings, including survival needs (food, water, shelter, etc), emotional needs (belongingness, love), self esteem needs, etc. Whether or not all of these concepts qualify as true needs is debatable. The idea of there being a clear hierarchy of needs, such as Maslow’s,…

Enjoying Rich and Abundant Relationships

How abundant can your relationship life become? Are there any real limits to what you can experience and enjoy with willing partners? In this article I’ll share some candid thoughts about creating more depth in open relationships, including what I’m interested in exploring next. I really appreciate this exploration of open relationships that I’ve been…

Embrace the New

When I don’t have strong clarity about what I want to experience next in my life, I like to explore something new. I know that I want to keep growing, so I seek out new growth experiences, new places, new people. Anything new. This default decision to embrace the new has been a powerful heuristic…