Crossing the Bridge

It’s difficult to create a life of abundance until you have a truly inspiring vision of what life will be like on the other side. Many people try to move towards abundance because they’re fed up with scarcity. They’re tired of working at jobs they semi-dislike just to pay the bills. They notice the years…

Lessons From the Recent Workshops

I really enjoyed this past weekend at the Conscious Relationships Workshop. It’s so rewarding to see people arriving a little shy and uncertain on the first day, and by the end of the third day, they’ve become close friends and have a new sense of possibility and excitement. One of the reasons I do these…

How to Reduce Your Mail to Almost Nothing

It’s been estimated that the average American will spend about 8 months of his/her life opening junk mail. Would anyone consciously choose to do that? Probably not. But how many will end up doing it anyway? And this is just the average. Some poor folks actually spend years of their lives processing junk mail. This…