From Hesitation to Investigation

Ideas are always floating around, and it’s no big deal if you get a one-time idea and let it pass because you have some doubts about it. But if you keep pondering the same or similar ideas repeatedly, then take note of them. Acknowledge Recurring Ideas I find it helpful to verbally acknowledge when an…

Stay the Course

When you begin any sort of vibe shifting work, such as shifting from a scarcity vibe to an abundance vibe, expect to feel out of sync with your current physical reality for a few weeks. This is challenging to be sure, but it’s a normal part of the experience. As you shift your inner self,…

Love the Bombs

Do you feel that poverty, war, famine, disease, imprisonment, etc. are all negative experiences that we should avoid as much as possible? Are these scourges that we must rid the planet of? Are they terrible things for anyone to have to experience? These experiences have been with us for a long time for a very…

Land and Expand

Whenever I write about abundance and the Law of Attraction, there’s always someone to reply, “Easy for you to say, Steve! You have X, Y, and Z, so of course it’s easy to talk about abundance when you’re already enjoying an abundant life.” How do I respond to this? First off, these people are right.…

What You Focus on Expands

I don’t think joining others in their suffering is a necessary aspect of empathy. I find caring and compassion to be very positive feelings. If I see someone in emotional pain, I also see that within them is a seed of joy that they’ve simply lost touch with. I can understand why they’re feeling bad…

Ignoring Lack to Create Abundance

I’ve been enjoying an abundant year because I focus much more attention on abundance, appreciation, and gratitude than I do on lack, scarcity, and poverty. Some people would say that this mindset is the result of abundance; I recognize the mindset/heartset as the cause of it. When I did the opposite and paid more attention…

The New and Improved Map of Conscious Growth

I’m happy to announce that after years of hard work, I’m finally ready to share my new and improved map of conscious growth. This map works for individuals as well as for families, communities, countries, and the entire planet. You may have seen other maps of conscious growth such as those from David Hawkins, Ken…

Appreciating Abundance

If you seek financial well-being for yourself, you must praise it, wherever you see it. – Esther Hicks When you observe financial well-being in others, especially very lavish well-being, do you sometimes condemn it? If you do so, you’re simultaneously condemning your own well-being. This doesn’t mean you need to praise those aspects that don’t…

Rockets of Desire

When something seemingly negative or disagreeable occurs to us, our initial tendency is to resist it. But behind such events, we also undergo some powerful positive shifts. Let me share several examples since it’s easier to understand this via personal illustrations. Scarcity -> Freedom When I experienced financial scarcity, I disliked it very much. It…

Co-Creation, Mind Control, and Subjective Reality

I often prep for upcoming workshops by walking around my house talking out loud, as if I’m speaking to an audience. It’s not the ideas I’m trying to polish though. I do this to get better at being in the flow of inspiration as I communicate, maintaining the right balance of head and heart. Inevitably…