Ask Steve – Closing Comments

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Ask Steve series, which I’m now officially concluding. I received far more questions than I could possibly answer, but I’ll save the unused ones and add them to my general ideas list for future articles.

I received lots of positive feedback from people about this series, so I know it went over well. The main challenge was reading through the numerous questions submitted and deciding which ones to answer. I did my best to select a fair and representative sample, but a lot of great questions still had to go unanswered.

As I move forward, I plan to integrate some of these shorter, simpler questions into my ongoing blogging. I think they’ll serve as a nice balance to the longer, more detailed articles.

This entry is part of the “Ask Steve” series. See the original Ask Steve post for details, or view the Archives (July 2006) to peruse the entire series.