Sonia Choquette Interview

Sonia Choquette, Ph.D is a world-renowned author, storyteller, vibrational healer, and six-sensory spiritual teacher. She’s the author of eight best-selling books, including Diary of a Psychic and Trust Your Vibes, and numerous audio programs and card decks. I first encountered one of Sonia’s audio programs in the late ’90s, and I found her ideas on…

The Power of Now

This is a post about a major shift in my thinking that occurred several years ago, a shift that caused a dramatic improvement in my enjoyment of life. If you’d like to experience more joy in your life right now instead of merely hoping things will get better in your future, you might find this…

Why Do Intentions Take So Long to Manifest?

When you hold an intention to create something new in your life, such as a career change, a new relationship, or better health, at first you may see no results at all. But as you continue to hold the intention, eventually it does begin to manifest, sometimes almost miraculously. Synchronicities occur whereby new people and…

Ask Your Guides

Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette is a very thorough book on all manner of spirit guides, including everything from archangels to animal guides. I quite enjoyed this book and got some fascinating results by applying Sonia’s advice. For many years I’ve been familiar with the notion of spirit guides, and my Catholic upbringing taught…

The Secret

The Secret is a new movie I saw last night with some friends. To my knowledge it’s not playing in theatres at this time, but you can get The Secret DVD for under $30. I watched the DVD at a friend’s house. I think this movie has the potential to spread rapidly via word of…

Reprogramming Reality

After writing the series on subjective reality, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to push the envelope of this “thought creates reality” mindset. As you probably know by now, my preferred style is to dive in with some kind of personal experiment as opposed to sitting on the sidelines and pondering. One of the…

The Path of Greatest Empowerment

At various points in your life you will come to a crossroads where you just aren’t sure what to believe. If you’re a very objective and/or scientific person, your preference may be to hold back from making a decision until you have more evidence about which path is the “correct” one. Of course the problem… Podcast #014 – Embracing Your Passion

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a new podcast, so here’s a new one recorded by Erin (her first podcast was #10 on lucid dreaming). One of the things I love most about my marriage is that I get to participate in the unfolding of Erin’s life path as well as my own. Since…

Personal Development and Subjective Reality

What does the mindset of Subjective Reality have to do with personal development? Your own path of personal development will proceed in accordance with your thoughts and beliefs. It can proceed no other way. Hence, you will enjoy and experience the most growth if you choose to hold the most empowering beliefs you can in…

Subjective Reality Q&A 3

Here are a few more answers to questions I’ve received about Subjective Reality. Aside from the first answer, these will focus on your personal egoic perspective instead of my perspective or the perspective of God-consciousness, so it may be a little more understandable this way, since this is the default perspective you’re already used to.…