Blog Comments

After experimenting with having blog comments turned off for a couple weeks now, I’ve decided to keep it this way. I thought it would be a tough decision, but after having tested it for a while, it actually wasn’t a tough decision at all. While comments provide a wonderful degree of interactivity with many obvious…

Life After Death

Do you believe in life after death? Too often I find that the subject of death is addressed with goofy speculation, close-minded stubbornness, or outright fear and avoidance. So let’s bypass the “Death for Dummies” approach and take a deeper intellectual look at death to better understand the important role it plays in our lives……

Why Study Consciousness?

Why should we study consciousness? Your power as a human being lies with your consciousness. It is the seat of your free will, your ability to choose. If you can improve your ability to use your consciousness, you can radically change your experience of life for the better. In fact, I would say that developing…

A Scientific Method for Exploring Consciousness

To what degree is it possible for us to seek and discover the “truth” as we explore consciousness itself? How knowable is our inner reality? Of course we have the scientific method. Observe. Hypothesize. Test. Draw conclusions. Put the results to good use. And obviously the repeated application of the scientific method has produced some…

Questioning Your Beliefs

In this post I’ll share some of my personal experiences shifting through different belief systems. At the age of 17, I first began to seriously question my beliefs about reality. In my case it had a lot to do with the religion and culture in which I was raised. I was Catholic at the time,…

Where Do Goals Come From?

What gives rise to your goals? What determines whether you even set goals at all? I believe the answer is your context. Your context is your collection of beliefs about reality. It’s the soil in which your thoughts grow. For example, if you have very materialistic goals and have become skilled at achieving them, then…

Understanding Consciousness

Over the past year, many of the posts I’ve made on this blog have been about topics which for me represent the past — ideas and challenges I worked through years ago, such as productivity and getting organized. But for at least the rest of this month, I’m going to fast-forward to the present to… Podcast #004 – Using Patterns for Personal Development

This podcast is a live recording of a 30-minute mini-seminar I presented in Las Vegas on Monday, titled “Using Patterns for Personal Development.” During the recording you’ll hear references to a handout. I’ve included the complete text of that handout below, so you’ll have the same support material the original audience had. Here are some…

One-Year Anniversary

Today is’s one-year anniversary (from the date I did my first blog post). A big thanks to everyone who has helped this site grow! Last month there were over 410,000 visitors. For those of you who are curious — I know a lot of fellow bloggers read this site — traffic has grown almost…